Urho3D 1.32 release category:

Source package

Binary package


  • Finalized Urho2D functionality, including 2D physics using Box2D, sprite animation and tile maps
  • Threaded background resource loading. Must be manually triggered via ResourceCache or by loading a scene asynchronously
  • Attribute and material shader parameter animation system
  • Customizable onscreen joystick for mobile platforms. Used in examples
  • Touch camera control in examples on mobile platforms
  • Touch emulation by mouse
  • Multi-touch UI drag support
  • Consistent touch ID’s across platforms
  • Absolute, relative and wrap modes for the operating system mouse cursor
  • Support for connecting & removing joysticks during runtime
  • Negative light & light brightness multiplier support
  • Transform spaces for Node’s translate, rotate & lookat functions
  • Scrollable console
  • Selectable console command interpreter (AngelScript, Lua, FileSystem)
  • Touch scroll in ScrollView & ListView
  • UI layout flex scale mode
  • Custom sound streams from C++
  • LogicComponent C++ base class with virtual update functions similar to ScriptObject
  • Signed distance field font support
  • JSON data support
  • Matrix types in Variant & XML data
  • Intermediate rendertarget refactoring: use viewport size to allow consistent UV addressing
  • ParticleEmitter refactoring: use ParticleEffect resource for consistency with ParticleEmitter2D and more optimal net replication
  • Expose LZ4 compression functions
  • Support various cube map layouts contained in a single image file
  • Configurable Bullet physics stepping behavior. Can use elapsed time limiting, or a variable timestep to use less CPU
  • Default construct math objects to zero / identity
  • Mandatory registration for remote events. Check allowed event only when receiving
  • Teapot & torus builtin objects
  • FXAA 3.11 shader
  • Triangle rendering in DebugRenderer (more efficient than 3 lines)
  • Material/texture quality and anisotropy as command line options and engine startup parameters
  • Spline math class, which the SplinePath component uses
  • Console auto-show on error
  • DrawableProxy2D system for optimizing 2D sprite drawing
  • Possibility to decouple BorderImage border UV’s from element size
  • Editor & NinjaSnowWar resources split into subdirectories
  • UI hover start & end events
  • UI drag cancel by pressing ESC
  • Allowed screen orientations can be controlled. Effective only on iOS
  • Rendering sceneless renderpaths
  • Define individual material passes as SM3-only
  • Support for copying ListView text to system clipboard
  • Async system command execution
  • Generic attribute access for Lua script objects
  • Use Lua functions directly as event subscribers
  • Touch gesture recording and load/save
  • AssetImporter option to allow multiple import of identical meshes
  • Automatically create a physics world component to scene when necessary
  • GetSubimage function in the Image class
  • Possibility to clone existing components from another scene node
  • Improve terrain rendering on mobile devices
  • Refactoring of camera facing modes in BillboardSet & Text3D
  • Additive alpha techniques for particle rendering
  • Possibility to use CustomGeometry component for physics triangle mesh collision
  • Access to 2D node coordinates for convenience when using 2D graphics features
  • Save embedded textures in AssetImporter
  • Use best matching fullscreen resolution if no exact match
  • Use SDL_iPhoneSetAnimationCallback instead of blocking main loop
  • Allow fast partial terrain updates by modifying the heightmap image
  • API for setting image pixels by integer colors
  • Refactor to remove the separate ShortStringHash class
  • Deep clone functionality in Model resource
  • Zone can define a texture which is available to shaders. Not used by default
  • Allow logging from outside the main thread
  • Log warnings for improper attempts to use events from outside main thread
  • Improved CustomGeometry dynamic updates
  • ConvexCast function in PhysicsWorld
  • Screen to world space conversion functions in Viewport class
  • Allow sending client rotation to server in addition to position
  • Allow accessing and modifying the engine’s next timestep
  • DeepEnabled mechanism for disabling node or UI element hierarchies and then restoring their own enabled state
  • Allow to prevent closing a modal window with ESC
  • Per-viewport control of whether debug geometry should render
  • Optional interception of resource requests
  • Readded optional slow & robust mode to AreaAllocator
  • Optionally disable RigidBody mass update to allow fast adding of several CollisionShape components to the same node
  • Runtime synchronization of resource packages from server to client
  • Disable multisample antialiasing momentarily during rendering. Used by default for UI & quad rendering
  • Glyph offset support in Font class
  • Font class internal refactoring
  • Allow to create AngelScript script objects by specifying the interface it implements
  • Window position startup parameters
  • Functions to get time since epoch & modify file’s last modified time
  • Optionally auto-disable child elements of a scroll view when touch scrolling
  • Allocate views permanently per viewport to allow querying for drawables, lights etc. reliably
  • Allow to specify material techniques/passes that should not be used on mobile devices
  • Reduced default shadow mapping issues on mobile devices
  • Minor rendering optimizations
  • Build system: possibility to build Urho3D without networking or 2D graphics functionality
  • Build system: improved generated scripting documentation
  • Build system: improved support for IDE’s in CMake scripts
  • Build system: support up to Android NDK r10c and 64-bit ABIs
  • Build system: numerous other improvements
  • Editor: resource browser
  • Editor: spawn window for random-generating objects
  • Editor: allow either zoom or move from mouse wheel
  • Editor: locate object by doubleclicking node in hierarchy
  • Editor: take screenshots with F11, camera panning
  • Editor: button in value edit fields that allows editing by mouse drag
  • Updated SDL to 2.0.3.
  • Updated AngelScript to 2.29.1
  • Updated assimp
  • Updated Recast/Detour
  • Fix MinGW build issues
  • Fix techniques referring to wrong shaders
  • Fix Node::LookAt() misbehaving in certain situations
  • Fix resize event not reporting correct window size if window is maximized at start
  • Fix PhysicsWorld::GetRigidBodies() not using collision mask
  • Fix zone misassignment issues
  • Fix Lua not returning correctly typed object for UIElement::GetChild() & UIElement::GetParent()
  • Fix uninitialized variables in 2D physics components
  • Fix quad rendering not updating elapsed time uniform
  • Fix forward rendering normal mapping issues by switching calculations back to world space
  • Fix wrong logging level on Android
  • Fix multiple subscribes to same event on Lua
  • Fix missing Octree update in headless mode
  • Fix crash when using FreeType to access font kerning tables
  • Fix ReadString() endless loop if the string does not end
  • Fix shadow mapping on OS X systems with Intel GPU
  • Fix manually positioned bones being serialized properly
  • Fix file checksum calculation on Android
  • Fix accelerometer input on Android when device is flipped 180 degrees
  • Fix missing or misbehaving Lua bindings
  • Fix crashes in physics collision handling when objects are removed during it
  • Fix shader live reload if previous compile resulted in error
  • Fix named manual textures not recreating their GPU resource after device loss
  • Fix skeleton-only model not importing in AssetImporter
  • Fix terrain raycast returning incorrect position/normal
  • Fix animation keyframe timing in AssetImporter if start time is not 0
  • Fix storing Image resources to memory unnecessarily during cube/3D texture loading
  • Fix to node transform dirtying mechanism and the TransformChanged() script function
  • Fix returned documents directory not being writable on iOS
  • Fix click to emptiness not closing a menu
  • Fix FileWatcher notifying when file was still being saved. By default delay notification 1 second
  • Fix .txml import in the editor
  • Fix erroneous raycast to triangles behind the ray
  • Fix crash when multiple AnimatedModels exist in a node and the master model is destroyed
  • Fix missing Matrix4 * Matrix3x4 operator in script
  • Fix various compile warnings that leak to applications using Urho3D
  • Fix DebugHud update possibly being late one frame
  • Fix various macros not being usable outside Urho3D namespace
  • Fix erroneous layout with wordwrap text elements
  • Fix debug geometry rendering on flipped OpenGL viewports
  • Fix kNet debug mode assert with zero sized messages
  • Fix not being able to stop and restart kNet server
  • Fix AreaAllocator operation
  • Fix possible crash with parented rigidbodies
  • Fix missing network delta update if only user variables in a Node have been modified
  • Fix to only search for June 2010 DirectX SDK, as earlier SDK’s will fail
  • Fix wrong search order of added resource paths
  • Fix global anisotropic filtering on OpenGL
  • Fix animation triggers not working if trigger is at animation end
  • Fix CopyFramebuffer shader name not being used correctly on case-sensitive systems
  • Fix UI elements not receiving input when the window containing them is partially outside the screen to the left
  • Fix occlusion rendering not working with counterclockwise triangles
  • Fix material shader parameter animations going out of sync with other animations when the object using the material is not in view
  • Fix CPU count functions on Android
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