Source package
Binary package
- Extensive build system improvements, especially for using Urho3D as a library in an external project.
- LuaJIT support.
- Improved Lua bindings, Lua coroutine support, automatic loading of compiled Lua scripts (.luc) if they exist.
- HDR rendering, 3D textures, height fog and several new post process shaders.
- Shader refactoring. Need for XML shader descriptions & ShaderCompiler tool removed.
- Reflection / refraction rendering support.
- 2D drawable components: StaticSprite2D, AnimatedSprite2D, ParticleEmitter2D.
- ToolTip & MessageBox UI elements. UI logic improvements.
- Optimized text rendering + dynamic population of font textures for improved batching.
- AngelScript DelayedExecute for free functions, and event handling for any script object, not just ScriptInstances
- Editor: added grid, toolbar, camera view presets, camera orbit, mouse wheel zoom, multiple viewports and orthographic camera.
- Borderless window mode, possibility to change application icon.
- SDL GameController support, raw key codes support.
- Optimized shadow rendering on mobile devices. Low quality mode avoids dependent texture reads.
- HttpRequest class runs in a background thread to avoid blocking.
- Compressed package file support using the LZ4 library.
- Cone parameters in SoundSource3D for directional attenuation.
- Variant GetPtr() safety refactoring. Uses WeakPtr to store RefCounted subclasses. Use GetVoidPtr() to store unsafe arbitrary pointers.
- Improved work queue completion events. Work items are now RefCounted to allow persisting them as necessary.
- Allow to disable automatic execution of AngelScript & Lua from the engine console.
- Added shader variations, for example ambient occlusion texture and better emissive color support.
- Added examples.
- Update SDL to 2.0.1
- Update AngelScript to 2.28.1.
- Update FreeType to 2.5.0.
- Fix partial texture updates, both Direct3D9 & OpenGL.
- Fix long-standing audio click bug.
- Fix kinematic rigidbodies to apply impulses correctly to dynamic bodies.
- Plus many more improvements and bugfixes.