Lua script object component. More...

#include <Urho3D/LuaScript/LuaScriptInstance.h>

Inheritance diagram for Urho3D::LuaScriptInstance:
Collaboration diagram for Urho3D::LuaScriptInstance:

Public Member Functions

 LuaScriptInstance (Context *context)
 ~LuaScriptInstance ()
virtual void OnSetAttribute (const AttributeInfo &attr, const Variant &src)
 Handle attribute write access.
virtual void OnGetAttribute (const AttributeInfo &attr, Variant &dest) const
 Handle attribute read access.
virtual const Vector
< AttributeInfo > * 
GetAttributes () const
 Return attribute descriptions, or null if none defined.
virtual void ApplyAttributes ()
 Apply attribute changes that can not be applied immediately. Called after scene load or a network update.
virtual void OnSetEnabled ()
 Handle enabled/disabled state change.
virtual void AddEventHandler (const String &eventName, int functionIndex)
 Add a scripted event handler by function.
virtual void AddEventHandler (const String &eventName, const String &functionName)
 Add a scripted event handler by function name.
virtual void AddEventHandler (Object *sender, const String &eventName, int functionIndex)
 Add a scripted event handler by function for a specific sender.
virtual void AddEventHandler (Object *sender, const String &eventName, const String &functionName)
 Add a scripted event handler by function name for a specific sender.
virtual void RemoveEventHandler (const String &eventName)
 Remove a scripted event handler.
virtual void RemoveEventHandler (Object *sender, const String &eventName)
 Remove a scripted event handler for a specific sender.
virtual void RemoveEventHandlers (Object *sender)
 Remove all scripted event handlers for a specific sender.
virtual void RemoveAllEventHandlers ()
 Remove all scripted event handlers.
virtual void RemoveEventHandlersExcept (const Vector< String > &exceptionNames)
 Remove all scripted event handlers, except those listed.
virtual bool HasEventHandler (const String &eventName) const
 Return whether has subscribed to an event.
virtual bool HasEventHandler (Object *sender, const String &eventName) const
 Return whether has subscribed to a specific sender's event.
bool CreateObject (const String &scriptObjectType)
 Create script object. Return true if successful.
bool CreateObject (LuaFile *scriptFile, const String &scriptObjectType)
 Create script object. Return true if successful.
void SetScriptFile (LuaFile *scriptFile)
 Set script file.
void SetScriptObjectType (const String &scriptObjectType)
 Set script object type.
void SetScriptDataAttr (const PODVector< unsigned char > &data)
 Set script file serialization attribute by calling a script function.
void SetScriptNetworkDataAttr (const PODVector< unsigned char > &data)
 Set script network serialization attribute by calling a script function.
LuaFileGetScriptFile () const
 Return script file.
const StringGetScriptObjectType () const
 Return script object type.
int GetScriptObjectRef () const
 Return Lua reference to script object.
PODVector< unsigned char > GetScriptDataAttr () const
 Get script file serialization attribute by calling a script function.
PODVector< unsigned char > GetScriptNetworkDataAttr () const
 Get script network serialization attribute by calling a script function.
LuaFunctionGetScriptObjectFunction (const String &functionName) const
 Return script object's funcition.
void SetScriptFileAttr (const ResourceRef &value)
 Set script file attribute.
ResourceRef GetScriptFileAttr () const
 Return script file attribute.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Component
 Component (Context *context)
virtual ~Component ()
virtual bool Save (Serializer &dest) const
 Save as binary data. Return true if successful.
virtual bool SaveXML (XMLElement &dest) const
 Save as XML data. Return true if successful.
virtual bool SaveJSON (JSONValue &dest) const
 Save as JSON data. Return true if successful.
virtual void MarkNetworkUpdate ()
 Mark for attribute check on the next network update.
virtual void GetDependencyNodes (PODVector< Node * > &dest)
 Return the depended on nodes to order network updates.
virtual void DrawDebugGeometry (DebugRenderer *debug, bool depthTest)
 Visualize the component as debug geometry.
void SetEnabled (bool enable)
 Set enabled/disabled state.
void Remove ()
 Remove from the scene node. If no other shared pointer references exist, causes immediate deletion.
unsigned GetID () const
 Return ID.
NodeGetNode () const
 Return scene node.
SceneGetScene () const
 Return the scene the node belongs to.
bool IsEnabled () const
 Return whether is enabled.
bool IsEnabledEffective () const
 Return whether is effectively enabled (node is also enabled.)
ComponentGetComponent (StringHash type) const
 Return component in the same scene node by type. If there are several, returns the first.
void GetComponents (PODVector< Component * > &dest, StringHash type) const
 Return components in the same scene node by type.
template<class T >
T * GetComponent () const
 Template version of returning a component in the same scene node by type.
template<class T >
void GetComponents (PODVector< T * > &dest) const
 Template version of returning components in the same scene node by type.
void AddReplicationState (ComponentReplicationState *state)
 Add a replication state that is tracking this component.
void PrepareNetworkUpdate ()
 Prepare network update by comparing attributes and marking replication states dirty as necessary.
void CleanupConnection (Connection *connection)
 Clean up all references to a network connection that is about to be removed.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Animatable
 Animatable (Context *context)
virtual ~Animatable ()
virtual bool LoadXML (const XMLElement &source, bool setInstanceDefault=false)
 Load from XML data. When setInstanceDefault is set to true, after setting the attribute value, store the value as instance's default value. Return true if successful.
virtual bool LoadJSON (const JSONValue &source, bool setInstanceDefault=false)
 Load from JSON data. When setInstanceDefault is set to true, after setting the attribute value, store the value as instance's default value. Return true if successful.
void SetAnimationEnabled (bool enable)
 Set automatic update of animation, default true.
void SetAnimationTime (float time)
 Set time position of all attribute animations or an object animation manually. Automatic update should be disabled in this case.
void SetObjectAnimation (ObjectAnimation *objectAnimation)
 Set object animation.
void SetAttributeAnimation (const String &name, ValueAnimation *attributeAnimation, WrapMode wrapMode=WM_LOOP, float speed=1.0f)
 Set attribute animation.
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode (const String &name, WrapMode wrapMode)
 Set attribute animation wrap mode.
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed (const String &name, float speed)
 Set attribute animation speed.
void SetAttributeAnimationTime (const String &name, float time)
 Set attribute animation time position manually. Automatic update should be disabled in this case.
void RemoveObjectAnimation ()
 Remove object animation. Same as calling SetObjectAnimation with a null pointer.
void RemoveAttributeAnimation (const String &name)
 Remove attribute animation. Same as calling SetAttributeAnimation with a null pointer.
bool GetAnimationEnabled () const
 Return animation enabled.
ObjectAnimationGetObjectAnimation () const
 Return object animation.
ValueAnimationGetAttributeAnimation (const String &name) const
 Return attribute animation.
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode (const String &name) const
 Return attribute animation wrap mode.
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed (const String &name) const
 Return attribute animation speed.
float GetAttributeAnimationTime (const String &name) const
 Return attribute animation time position.
void SetObjectAnimationAttr (const ResourceRef &value)
 Set object animation attribute.
ResourceRef GetObjectAnimationAttr () const
 Return object animation attribute.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Serializable
 Serializable (Context *context)
virtual ~Serializable ()
virtual const Vector
< AttributeInfo > * 
GetNetworkAttributes () const
 Return network replication attribute descriptions, or null if none defined.
virtual bool Load (Deserializer &source, bool setInstanceDefault=false)
 Load from binary data. When setInstanceDefault is set to true, after setting the attribute value, store the value as instance's default value. Return true if successful.
virtual bool SaveDefaultAttributes () const
 Return whether should save default-valued attributes into XML. Default false.
bool SetAttribute (unsigned index, const Variant &value)
 Set attribute by index. Return true if successfully set.
bool SetAttribute (const String &name, const Variant &value)
 Set attribute by name. Return true if successfully set.
void ResetToDefault ()
 Reset all editable attributes to their default values.
void RemoveInstanceDefault ()
 Remove instance's default values if they are set previously.
void SetTemporary (bool enable)
 Set temporary flag. Temporary objects will not be saved.
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate (const String &attributeName, bool enable)
 Enable interception of an attribute from network updates. Intercepted attributes are sent as events instead of applying directly. This can be used to implement client side prediction.
void AllocateNetworkState ()
 Allocate network attribute state.
void WriteInitialDeltaUpdate (Serializer &dest, unsigned char timeStamp)
 Write initial delta network update.
void WriteDeltaUpdate (Serializer &dest, const DirtyBits &attributeBits, unsigned char timeStamp)
 Write a delta network update according to dirty attribute bits.
void WriteLatestDataUpdate (Serializer &dest, unsigned char timeStamp)
 Write a latest data network update.
bool ReadDeltaUpdate (Deserializer &source)
 Read and apply a network delta update. Return true if attributes were changed.
bool ReadLatestDataUpdate (Deserializer &source)
 Read and apply a network latest data update. Return true if attributes were changed.
Variant GetAttribute (unsigned index) const
 Return attribute value by index. Return empty if illegal index.
Variant GetAttribute (const String &name) const
 Return attribute value by name. Return empty if not found.
Variant GetAttributeDefault (unsigned index) const
 Return attribute default value by index. Return empty if illegal index.
Variant GetAttributeDefault (const String &name) const
 Return attribute default value by name. Return empty if not found.
unsigned GetNumAttributes () const
 Return number of attributes.
unsigned GetNumNetworkAttributes () const
 Return number of network replication attributes.
bool IsTemporary () const
 Return whether is temporary.
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate (const String &attributeName) const
 Return whether an attribute's network updates are being intercepted.
NetworkStateGetNetworkState () const
 Return the network attribute state, if allocated.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Object
 Object (Context *context)
virtual ~Object ()
 Destruct. Clean up self from event sender & receiver structures.
virtual StringHash GetType () const =0
 Return type hash.
virtual const StringGetTypeName () const =0
 Return type name.
virtual const TypeInfoGetTypeInfo () const =0
 Return type info.
virtual void OnEvent (Object *sender, StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData)
 Handle event.
bool IsInstanceOf (StringHash type) const
 Check current instance is type of specified type.
bool IsInstanceOf (const TypeInfo *typeInfo) const
 Check current instance is type of specified type.
template<typename T >
bool IsInstanceOf () const
 Check current instance is type of specified class.
void SubscribeToEvent (StringHash eventType, EventHandler *handler)
 Subscribe to an event that can be sent by any sender.
void SubscribeToEvent (Object *sender, StringHash eventType, EventHandler *handler)
 Subscribe to a specific sender's event.
void UnsubscribeFromEvent (StringHash eventType)
 Unsubscribe from an event.
void UnsubscribeFromEvent (Object *sender, StringHash eventType)
 Unsubscribe from a specific sender's event.
void UnsubscribeFromEvents (Object *sender)
 Unsubscribe from a specific sender's events.
void UnsubscribeFromAllEvents ()
 Unsubscribe from all events.
void UnsubscribeFromAllEventsExcept (const PODVector< StringHash > &exceptions, bool onlyUserData)
 Unsubscribe from all events except those listed, and optionally only those with userdata (script registered events.)
void SendEvent (StringHash eventType)
 Send event to all subscribers.
void SendEvent (StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData)
 Send event with parameters to all subscribers.
VariantMapGetEventDataMap () const
 Return a preallocated map for event data. Used for optimization to avoid constant re-allocation of event data maps.
ContextGetContext () const
 Return execution context.
const VariantGetGlobalVar (StringHash key) const
 Return global variable based on key.
const VariantMapGetGlobalVars () const
 Return all global variables.
void SetGlobalVar (StringHash key, const Variant &value)
 Set global variable with the respective key and value.
ObjectGetSubsystem (StringHash type) const
 Return subsystem by type.
ObjectGetEventSender () const
 Return active event sender. Null outside event handling.
EventHandlerGetEventHandler () const
 Return active event handler. Null outside event handling.
bool HasSubscribedToEvent (StringHash eventType) const
 Return whether has subscribed to an event without specific sender.
bool HasSubscribedToEvent (Object *sender, StringHash eventType) const
 Return whether has subscribed to a specific sender's event.
bool HasEventHandlers () const
 Return whether has subscribed to any event.
template<class T >
T * GetSubsystem () const
 Template version of returning a subsystem.
const StringGetCategory () const
 Return object category. Categories are (optionally) registered along with the object factory. Return an empty string if the object category is not registered.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::RefCounted
 RefCounted ()
 Construct. Allocate the reference count structure and set an initial self weak reference.
virtual ~RefCounted ()
 Destruct. Mark as expired and also delete the reference count structure if no outside weak references exist.
void AddRef ()
 Increment reference count. Can also be called outside of a SharedPtr for traditional reference counting.
void ReleaseRef ()
 Decrement reference count and delete self if no more references. Can also be called outside of a SharedPtr for traditional reference counting.
int Refs () const
 Return reference count.
int WeakRefs () const
 Return weak reference count.
RefCountRefCountPtr ()
 Return pointer to the reference count structure.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::LuaScriptEventListener
virtual ~LuaScriptEventListener ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void RegisterObject (Context *context)
 Register object factory.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Animatable
static void RegisterObject (Context *context)
 Register object factory.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Object
static const TypeInfoGetTypeInfoStatic ()
 Return type info static.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void OnSceneSet (Scene *scene)
 Handle scene being assigned.
virtual void OnMarkedDirty (Node *node)
 Handle node transform being dirtied.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Component
virtual void OnAttributeAnimationAdded ()
 Handle attribute animation added.
virtual void OnAttributeAnimationRemoved ()
 Handle attribute animation removed.
virtual void OnNodeSet (Node *node)
 Handle scene node being assigned at creation.
virtual void OnNodeSetEnabled (Node *node)
 Handle scene node enabled status changing.
void SetID (unsigned id)
 Set ID. Called by Scene.
void SetNode (Node *node)
 Set scene node. Called by Node when creating the component.
void HandleAttributeAnimationUpdate (StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData)
 Handle scene attribute animation update event.
ComponentGetFixedUpdateSource ()
 Return a component from the scene root that sends out fixed update events (either PhysicsWorld or PhysicsWorld2D). Return null if neither exists.
void DoAutoRemove (AutoRemoveMode mode)
 Perform autoremove. Called by subclasses. Caller should keep a weak pointer to itself to check whether was actually removed, and return immediately without further member operations in that case.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Urho3D::Animatable
virtual AnimatableFindAttributeAnimationTarget (const String &name, String &outName)
 Find target of an attribute animation from object hierarchy by name.
void SetObjectAttributeAnimation (const String &name, ValueAnimation *attributeAnimation, WrapMode wrapMode, float speed)
 Set object attribute animation internal.
void OnObjectAnimationAdded (ObjectAnimation *objectAnimation)
 Handle object animation added.
void OnObjectAnimationRemoved (ObjectAnimation *objectAnimation)
 Handle object animation removed.
void UpdateAttributeAnimations (float timeStep)
 Update attribute animations.
bool IsAnimatedNetworkAttribute (const AttributeInfo &attrInfo) const
 Is animated network attribute.
AttributeAnimationInfoGetAttributeAnimationInfo (const String &name) const
 Return attribute animation info.
void HandleAttributeAnimationAdded (StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData)
 Handle attribute animation added.
void HandleAttributeAnimationRemoved (StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData)
 Handle attribute animation removed.

Private Member Functions

 URHO3D_OBJECT (LuaScriptInstance, Component)
void GetScriptAttributes ()
 Find script object attributes.
void FindScriptObjectMethodRefs ()
 Find script object method refs.
void SubscribeToScriptMethodEvents ()
 Subscribe to script method events.
void UnsubscribeFromScriptMethodEvents ()
 Unsubscribe from script method events.
void HandleUpdate (StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData)
 Handle the logic update event.
void HandlePostUpdate (StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData)
 Handle the logic post update event.
void ReleaseObject ()
 Release the script object.

Private Attributes

 Lua Script subsystem.
lua_State * luaState_
 Lua state.
SharedPtr< LuaScriptEventInvokereventInvoker_
 Event invoker.
SharedPtr< LuaFilescriptFile_
 Script file.
String scriptObjectType_
 Script object type.
Vector< AttributeInfoattributeInfos_
 Attributes, including script object variables.
int scriptObjectRef_
 Lua reference to script object.
LuaFunctionscriptObjectMethods_ [MAX_LUA_SCRIPT_OBJECT_METHODS]
 Script object method.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from Urho3D::Component
 Scene node.
unsigned id_
 Unique ID within the scene.
bool networkUpdate_
 Network update queued flag.
bool enabled_
 Enabled flag.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Urho3D::Animatable
bool animationEnabled_
 Animation enabled.
SharedPtr< ObjectAnimationobjectAnimation_
HashSet< const AttributeInfo * > animatedNetworkAttributes_
 Animated network attribute set.
HashMap< String, SharedPtr
< AttributeAnimationInfo > > 
 Attribute animation infos.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Urho3D::Serializable
UniquePtr< NetworkStatenetworkState_
 Network attribute state.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Urho3D::Object
 Execution context.

Detailed Description

Lua script object component.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • Source/Urho3D/LuaScript/LuaScriptInstance.h
  • Source/Urho3D/LuaScript/LuaScriptInstance.cpp