Surface in three-dimensional space. More...

#include <Plane.h>

Collaboration diagram for Urho3D::Plane:

Public Member Functions

 Plane ()
 Construct a degenerate plane with zero normal and parameter.
 Plane (const Plane &plane)
 Copy-construct from another plane.
 Plane (const Vector3 &v0, const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2)
 Construct from 3 vertices.
 Plane (const Vector3 &normal, const Vector3 &point)
 Construct from a normal vector and a point on the plane.
 Plane (const Vector4 &plane)
 Construct from a 4-dimensional vector, where the w coordinate is the plane parameter.
void Define (const Vector3 &v0, const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2)
 Define from 3 vertices.
void Define (const Vector3 &normal, const Vector3 &point)
 Define from a normal vector and a point on the plane.
void Define (const Vector4 &plane)
 Define from a 4-dimensional vector, where the w coordinate is the plane parameter.
void Transform (const Matrix3 &transform)
 Transform with a 3x3 matrix.
void Transform (const Matrix3x4 &transform)
 Transform with a 3x4 matrix.
void Transform (const Matrix4 &transform)
 Transform with a 4x4 matrix.
Vector3 Project (const Vector3 &point) const
 Project a point on the plane.
float Distance (const Vector3 &point) const
 Return signed distance to a point.
Vector3 Reflect (const Vector3 &direction) const
 Reflect a normalized direction vector.
Matrix3x4 ReflectionMatrix () const
 Return a reflection matrix.
Plane Transformed (const Matrix3 &transform) const
 Return transformed by a 3x3 matrix.
Plane Transformed (const Matrix3x4 &transform) const
 Return transformed by a 3x4 matrix.
Plane Transformed (const Matrix4 &transform) const
 Return transformed by a 4x4 matrix.
Vector4 ToVector4 () const
 Return as a vector.

Public Attributes

Vector3 normal_
 Plane normal.
Vector3 absNormal_
 Plane absolute normal.
float d_
 Plane constant.

Static Public Attributes

static const Plane UP
 Plane at origin with normal pointing up.

Detailed Description

Surface in three-dimensional space.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • /home/travis/build/urho3d/Urho3D/Source/Urho3D/Math/Plane.h
  • /home/travis/build/urho3d/Urho3D/Source/Urho3D/Math/Plane.cpp