Urho3D::View Class Reference
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Urho3D::View Class Reference
Internal structure for 3D rendering work. Created for each backbuffer and texture viewport, but not for shadow cameras. More...
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/View.h>
Inheritance diagram for Urho3D::View:
Collaboration diagram for Urho3D::View:
Public Member Functions | |
View (Context *context) | |
Construct. | |
~View () override=default | |
Destruct. | |
bool | Define (RenderSurface *renderTarget, Viewport *viewport) |
Define with rendertarget and viewport. Return true if successful. | |
void | Update (const FrameInfo &frame) |
Update and cull objects and construct rendering batches. | |
void | Render () |
Render batches. | |
Graphics * | GetGraphics () const |
Return graphics subsystem. | |
Renderer * | GetRenderer () const |
Return renderer subsystem. | |
Scene * | GetScene () const |
Return scene. | |
Octree * | GetOctree () const |
Return octree. | |
Camera * | GetCamera () const |
Return viewport camera. | |
Camera * | GetCullCamera () const |
Return culling camera. Normally same as the viewport camera. | |
const FrameInfo & | GetFrameInfo () const |
Return information of the frame being rendered. | |
RenderSurface * | GetRenderTarget () const |
Return the rendertarget. 0 if using the backbuffer. | |
bool | GetDrawDebug () const |
Return whether should draw debug geometry. | |
const IntRect & | GetViewRect () const |
Return view rectangle. | |
const IntVector2 & | GetViewSize () const |
Return view dimensions. | |
const PODVector< Drawable * > & | GetGeometries () const |
Return geometry objects. | |
const PODVector< Drawable * > & | GetOccluders () const |
Return occluder objects. | |
const PODVector< Light * > & | GetLights () const |
Return lights. | |
const Vector< LightBatchQueue > & | GetLightQueues () const |
Return light batch queues. | |
OcclusionBuffer * | GetOcclusionBuffer () const |
Return the last used software occlusion buffer. | |
unsigned | GetNumActiveOccluders () const |
Return number of occluders that were actually rendered. Occluders may be rejected if running out of triangles or if behind other occluders. | |
View * | GetSourceView () const |
Return the source view that was already prepared. Used when viewports specify the same culling camera. | |
void | SetGlobalShaderParameters () |
Set global (per-frame) shader parameters. Called by Batch and internally by View. | |
void | SetCameraShaderParameters (Camera *camera) |
Set camera-specific shader parameters. Called by Batch and internally by View. | |
void | SetCommandShaderParameters (const RenderPathCommand &command) |
Set command's shader parameters if any. Called internally by View. | |
void | SetGBufferShaderParameters (const IntVector2 &texSize, const IntRect &viewRect) |
Set G-buffer offset and inverse size shader parameters. Called by Batch and internally by View. | |
void | DrawFullscreenQuad (bool setIdentityProjection=false) |
Draw a fullscreen quad. Shaders and renderstates must have been set beforehand. Quad will be drawn to the middle of depth range, similarly to deferred directional lights. | |
Texture * | FindNamedTexture (const String &name, bool isRenderTarget, bool isVolumeMap=false) |
Get a named texture from the rendertarget list or from the resource cache, to be either used as a rendertarget or texture binding. | |
![]() | |
Object (Context *context) | |
Construct. | |
~Object () override | |
Destruct. Clean up self from event sender & receiver structures. | |
virtual StringHash | GetType () const =0 |
virtual const String & | GetTypeName () const =0 |
virtual const TypeInfo * | GetTypeInfo () const =0 |
Return type info. | |
virtual void | OnEvent (Object *sender, StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData) |
Handle event. | |
bool | IsInstanceOf (StringHash type) const |
Check current instance is type of specified type. | |
bool | IsInstanceOf (const TypeInfo *typeInfo) const |
Check current instance is type of specified type. | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | IsInstanceOf () const |
Check current instance is type of specified class. | |
template<typename T > | |
T * | Cast () |
Cast the object to specified most derived class. | |
template<typename T > | |
const T * | Cast () const |
Cast the object to specified most derived class. | |
void | SubscribeToEvent (StringHash eventType, EventHandler *handler) |
Subscribe to an event that can be sent by any sender. | |
void | SubscribeToEvent (Object *sender, StringHash eventType, EventHandler *handler) |
Subscribe to a specific sender's event. | |
void | SubscribeToEvent (StringHash eventType, const std::function< void(StringHash, VariantMap &)> &function, void *userData=nullptr) |
Subscribe to an event that can be sent by any sender. | |
void | SubscribeToEvent (Object *sender, StringHash eventType, const std::function< void(StringHash, VariantMap &)> &function, void *userData=nullptr) |
Subscribe to a specific sender's event. | |
void | UnsubscribeFromEvent (StringHash eventType) |
Unsubscribe from an event. | |
void | UnsubscribeFromEvent (Object *sender, StringHash eventType) |
Unsubscribe from a specific sender's event. | |
void | UnsubscribeFromEvents (Object *sender) |
Unsubscribe from a specific sender's events. | |
void | UnsubscribeFromAllEvents () |
Unsubscribe from all events. | |
void | UnsubscribeFromAllEventsExcept (const PODVector< StringHash > &exceptions, bool onlyUserData) |
Unsubscribe from all events except those listed, and optionally only those with userdata (script registered events). | |
void | SendEvent (StringHash eventType) |
Send event to all subscribers. | |
void | SendEvent (StringHash eventType, VariantMap &eventData) |
Send event with parameters to all subscribers. | |
VariantMap & | GetEventDataMap () const |
Return a preallocated map for event data. Used for optimization to avoid constant re-allocation of event data maps. | |
template<typename... Args> | |
void | SendEvent (StringHash eventType, Args... args) |
Send event with variadic parameter pairs to all subscribers. The parameter pairs is a list of paramID and paramValue separated by comma, one pair after another. | |
Context * | GetContext () const |
Return execution context. | |
const Variant & | GetGlobalVar (StringHash key) const |
const VariantMap & | GetGlobalVars () const |
void | SetGlobalVar (StringHash key, const Variant &value) |
Object * | GetSubsystem (StringHash type) const |
Return subsystem by type. | |
Object * | GetEventSender () const |
Return active event sender. Null outside event handling. | |
EventHandler * | GetEventHandler () const |
Return active event handler. Null outside event handling. | |
bool | HasSubscribedToEvent (StringHash eventType) const |
Return whether has subscribed to an event without specific sender. | |
bool | HasSubscribedToEvent (Object *sender, StringHash eventType) const |
Return whether has subscribed to a specific sender's event. | |
bool | HasEventHandlers () const |
Return whether has subscribed to any event. | |
template<class T > | |
T * | GetSubsystem () const |
Template version of returning a subsystem. | |
const String & | GetCategory () const |
void | SetBlockEvents (bool block) |
Block object from sending and receiving events. | |
bool | GetBlockEvents () const |
Return sending and receiving events blocking status. | |
![]() | |
RefCounted () | |
Construct. Allocate the reference count structure and set an initial self weak reference. | |
virtual | ~RefCounted () |
Destruct. Mark as expired and also delete the reference count structure if no outside weak references exist. | |
RefCounted (const RefCounted &rhs)=delete | |
Prevent copy construction. | |
RefCounted & | operator= (const RefCounted &rhs)=delete |
Prevent assignment. | |
void | AddRef () |
Increment reference count. Can also be called outside of a SharedPtr for traditional reference counting. | |
void | ReleaseRef () |
Decrement reference count and delete self if no more references. Can also be called outside of a SharedPtr for traditional reference counting. | |
int | Refs () const |
int | WeakRefs () const |
RefCount * | RefCountPtr () |
Return pointer to the reference count structure. | |
Private Member Functions | |
URHO3D_OBJECT (View, Object) | |
void | GetDrawables () |
Query the octree for drawable objects. | |
void | GetBatches () |
Construct batches from the drawable objects. | |
void | ProcessLights () |
Get lit geometries and shadowcasters for visible lights. | |
void | GetLightBatches () |
Get batches from lit geometries and shadowcasters. | |
void | GetBaseBatches () |
Get unlit batches. | |
void | UpdateGeometries () |
Update geometries and sort batches. | |
void | GetLitBatches (Drawable *drawable, LightBatchQueue &lightQueue, BatchQueue *alphaQueue) |
Get pixel lit batches for a certain light and drawable. | |
void | ExecuteRenderPathCommands () |
Execute render commands. | |
void | SetRenderTargets (RenderPathCommand &command) |
Set rendertargets for current render command. | |
bool | SetTextures (RenderPathCommand &command) |
Set textures for current render command. Return whether depth write is allowed (depth-stencil not bound as a texture). | |
void | RenderQuad (RenderPathCommand &command) |
Perform a quad rendering command. | |
bool | IsNecessary (const RenderPathCommand &command) |
Check if a command is enabled and has content to render. To be called only after render update has completed for the frame. | |
bool | CheckViewportRead (const RenderPathCommand &command) |
Check if a command reads the destination render target. | |
bool | CheckViewportWrite (const RenderPathCommand &command) |
Check if a command writes into the destination render target. | |
bool | CheckPingpong (unsigned index) |
Check whether a command should use pingponging instead of resolve from destination render target to viewport texture. | |
void | AllocateScreenBuffers () |
Allocate needed screen buffers. | |
void | BlitFramebuffer (Texture *source, RenderSurface *destination, bool depthWrite) |
Blit the viewport from one surface to another. | |
void | UpdateOccluders (PODVector< Drawable * > &occluders, Camera *camera) |
Query for occluders as seen from a camera. | |
void | DrawOccluders (OcclusionBuffer *buffer, const PODVector< Drawable * > &occluders) |
Draw occluders to occlusion buffer. | |
void | ProcessLight (LightQueryResult &query, unsigned threadIndex) |
Query for lit geometries and shadow casters for a light. | |
void | ProcessShadowCasters (LightQueryResult &query, const PODVector< Drawable * > &drawables, unsigned splitIndex) |
Process shadow casters' visibilities and build their combined view- or projection-space bounding box. | |
void | SetupShadowCameras (LightQueryResult &query) |
Set up initial shadow camera view(s). | |
void | SetupDirLightShadowCamera (Camera *shadowCamera, Light *light, float nearSplit, float farSplit) |
Set up a directional light shadow camera. | |
void | FinalizeShadowCamera (Camera *shadowCamera, Light *light, const IntRect &shadowViewport, const BoundingBox &shadowCasterBox) |
Finalize shadow camera view after shadow casters and the shadow map are known. | |
void | QuantizeDirLightShadowCamera (Camera *shadowCamera, Light *light, const IntRect &shadowViewport, const BoundingBox &viewBox) |
Quantize a directional light shadow camera view to eliminate swimming. | |
bool | IsShadowCasterVisible (Drawable *drawable, BoundingBox lightViewBox, Camera *shadowCamera, const Matrix3x4 &lightView, const Frustum &lightViewFrustum, const BoundingBox &lightViewFrustumBox) |
Check visibility of one shadow caster. | |
IntRect | GetShadowMapViewport (Light *light, int splitIndex, Texture2D *shadowMap) |
Return the viewport for a shadow map split. | |
void | FindZone (Drawable *drawable) |
Find and set a new zone for a drawable when it has moved. | |
Technique * | GetTechnique (Drawable *drawable, Material *material) |
Return material technique, considering the drawable's LOD distance. | |
void | CheckMaterialForAuxView (Material *material) |
Check if material should render an auxiliary view (if it has a camera attached). | |
void | SetQueueShaderDefines (BatchQueue &queue, const RenderPathCommand &command) |
Set shader defines for a batch queue if used. | |
void | AddBatchToQueue (BatchQueue &queue, Batch &batch, Technique *tech, bool allowInstancing=true, bool allowShadows=true) |
Choose shaders for a batch and add it to queue. | |
void | PrepareInstancingBuffer () |
Prepare instancing buffer by filling it with all instance transforms. More... | |
void | SetupLightVolumeBatch (Batch &batch) |
Set up a light volume rendering batch. | |
bool | NeedRenderShadowMap (const LightBatchQueue &queue) |
Check whether a light queue needs shadow rendering. | |
void | RenderShadowMap (const LightBatchQueue &queue) |
Render a shadow map. | |
RenderSurface * | GetDepthStencil (RenderSurface *renderTarget) |
Return the proper depth-stencil surface to use for a rendertarget. | |
RenderSurface * | GetRenderSurfaceFromTexture (Texture *texture, CubeMapFace face=FACE_POSITIVE_X) |
Helper function to get the render surface from a texture. 2D textures will always return the first face only. | |
void | SendViewEvent (StringHash eventType) |
Send a view update or render related event through the Renderer subsystem. The parameters are the same for all of them. | |
Zone * | GetZone (Drawable *drawable) |
Return the drawable's zone, or camera zone if it has override mode enabled. | |
unsigned | GetLightMask (Drawable *drawable) |
Return the drawable's light mask, considering also its zone. | |
unsigned | GetShadowMask (Drawable *drawable) |
Return the drawable's shadow mask, considering also its zone. | |
unsigned long long | GetVertexLightQueueHash (const PODVector< Light * > &vertexLights) |
Return hash code for a vertex light queue. | |
Private Attributes | |
WeakPtr< Graphics > | graphics_ |
Graphics subsystem. | |
WeakPtr< Renderer > | renderer_ |
Renderer subsystem. | |
Scene * | scene_ {} |
Scene to use. | |
Octree * | octree_ {} |
Octree to use. | |
Camera * | camera_ {} |
Viewport (rendering) camera. | |
Camera * | cullCamera_ {} |
Culling camera. Usually same as the viewport camera. | |
WeakPtr< View > | sourceView_ |
Shared source view. Null if this view is using its own culling. | |
Zone * | cameraZone_ {} |
Zone the camera is inside, or default zone if not assigned. | |
Zone * | farClipZone_ {} |
Zone at far clip plane. | |
OcclusionBuffer * | occlusionBuffer_ {} |
Occlusion buffer for the main camera. | |
RenderSurface * | renderTarget_ {} |
Destination color rendertarget. | |
RenderSurface * | substituteRenderTarget_ {} |
Substitute rendertarget for deferred rendering. Allocated if necessary. | |
Texture * | viewportTextures_ [MAX_VIEWPORT_TEXTURES] {} |
Texture(s) for sampling the viewport contents. Allocated if necessary. | |
RenderSurface * | currentRenderTarget_ {} |
Color rendertarget active for the current renderpath command. | |
RenderSurface * | lastCustomDepthSurface_ {} |
Last used custom depth render surface. | |
Texture * | currentViewportTexture_ {} |
Texture containing the latest viewport texture. | |
Texture * | depthOnlyDummyTexture_ {} |
Dummy texture for D3D9 depth only rendering. | |
IntRect | viewRect_ |
Viewport rectangle. | |
IntVector2 | viewSize_ |
Viewport size. | |
IntVector2 | rtSize_ |
Destination rendertarget size. | |
FrameInfo | frame_ {} |
Information of the frame being rendered. | |
float | aspectRatio_ {} |
View aspect ratio. | |
float | minZ_ {} |
Minimum Z value of the visible scene. | |
float | maxZ_ {} |
Maximum Z value of the visible scene. | |
int | materialQuality_ {} |
Material quality level. | |
int | maxOccluderTriangles_ {} |
Maximum number of occluder triangles. | |
int | minInstances_ {} |
Minimum number of instances required in a batch group to render as instanced. | |
int | highestZonePriority_ {} |
Highest zone priority currently visible. | |
bool | geometriesUpdated_ {} |
Geometries updated flag. | |
bool | cameraZoneOverride_ {} |
Camera zone's override flag. | |
bool | drawShadows_ {} |
Draw shadows flag. | |
bool | deferred_ {} |
Deferred flag. Inferred from the existence of a light volume command in the renderpath. | |
bool | deferredAmbient_ {} |
Deferred ambient pass flag. This means that the destination rendertarget is being written to at the same time as albedo/normal/depth buffers, and needs to be RGBA on OpenGL. | |
bool | useLitBase_ {} |
Forward light base pass optimization flag. If in use, combine the base pass and first light for all opaque objects. | |
bool | hasScenePasses_ {} |
Has scene passes flag. If no scene passes, view can be defined without a valid scene or camera to only perform quad rendering. | |
bool | noStencil_ {} |
Whether is using a custom readable depth texture without a stencil channel. | |
bool | drawDebug_ {} |
Draw debug geometry flag. Copied from the viewport. | |
RenderPath * | renderPath_ {} |
Renderpath. | |
Vector< PODVector< Drawable * > > | tempDrawables_ |
Per-thread octree query results. | |
Vector< PerThreadSceneResult > | sceneResults_ |
Per-thread geometries, lights and Z range collection results. | |
PODVector< Zone * > | zones_ |
Visible zones. | |
PODVector< Drawable * > | geometries_ |
Visible geometry objects. | |
PODVector< Drawable * > | nonThreadedGeometries_ |
Geometry objects that will be updated in the main thread. | |
PODVector< Drawable * > | threadedGeometries_ |
Geometry objects that will be updated in worker threads. | |
PODVector< Drawable * > | occluders_ |
Occluder objects. | |
PODVector< Light * > | lights_ |
Lights. | |
unsigned | activeOccluders_ {} |
Number of active occluders. | |
HashSet< Drawable * > | maxLightsDrawables_ |
Drawables that limit their maximum light count. | |
HashMap< StringHash, Texture * > | renderTargets_ |
Rendertargets defined by the renderpath. | |
Vector< LightQueryResult > | lightQueryResults_ |
Intermediate light processing results. | |
PODVector< ScenePassInfo > | scenePasses_ |
Info for scene render passes defined by the renderpath. | |
Vector< LightBatchQueue > | lightQueues_ |
Per-pixel light queues. | |
HashMap< unsigned long long, LightBatchQueue > | vertexLightQueues_ |
Per-vertex light queues. | |
HashMap< unsigned, BatchQueue > | batchQueues_ |
Batch queues by pass index. | |
unsigned | gBufferPassIndex_ {} |
Index of the GBuffer pass. | |
unsigned | basePassIndex_ {} |
Index of the opaque forward base pass. | |
unsigned | alphaPassIndex_ {} |
Index of the alpha pass. | |
unsigned | lightPassIndex_ {} |
Index of the forward light pass. | |
unsigned | litBasePassIndex_ {} |
Index of the litbase pass. | |
unsigned | litAlphaPassIndex_ {} |
Index of the litalpha pass. | |
const RenderPathCommand * | lightVolumeCommand_ {} |
Pointer to the light volume command if any. | |
const RenderPathCommand * | forwardLightsCommand_ {} |
Pointer to the forwardlights command if any. | |
const RenderPathCommand * | passCommand_ {} |
Pointer to the current commmand if it contains shader parameters to be set for a render pass. | |
bool | usedResolve_ {} |
Flag for scene being resolved from the backbuffer. | |
Friends | |
void | CheckVisibilityWork (const WorkItem *item, unsigned threadIndex) |
void | ProcessLightWork (const WorkItem *item, unsigned threadIndex) |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static const TypeInfo * | GetTypeInfoStatic () |
Return type info static. | |
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Context * | context_ |
Execution context. | |
Detailed Description
Internal structure for 3D rendering work. Created for each backbuffer and texture viewport, but not for shadow cameras.
Member Function Documentation
◆ PrepareInstancingBuffer()
private |
Prepare instancing buffer by filling it with all instance transforms.
- Todo:
- If rendering the same view several times back-to-back, would not need to refill the buffer
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
- Source/Urho3D/Graphics/View.h
- Source/Urho3D/Graphics/View.cpp