Urho3D::Allocator< T > | Allocator template class. Allocates objects of a specific class |
 rapidjson::Allocator | Concept for allocating, resizing and freeing memory block |
  rapidjson::CrtAllocator | C-runtime library allocator |
  rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator< BaseAllocator > | Default memory allocator used by the parser and DOM |
 Urho3D::AllocatorBlock | Allocator memory block |
 Urho3D::AllocatorNode | Allocator node |
 Urho3D::AnimationControl | Control data for an animation |
 Urho3D::AnimationKeyFrame | Skeletal animation keyframe |
 Urho3D::AnimationKeyFrame2D | 2D animation key frame |
 Urho3D::AnimationStateTrack | Animation instance per-track data |
 Urho3D::AnimationTrack | Skeletal animation track, stores keyframes of a single bone |
 Urho3D::AnimationTrack2D | 2D animation track |
 Urho3D::AnimationTriggerPoint | Animation trigger point |
 Urho3D::AreaAllocator | Rectangular area allocator |
 rapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Array | |
 Urho3D::AsyncProgress | Asynchronous loading progress of a scene |
 Urho3D::AttributeInfo | Description of an automatically serializable variable |
 Urho3D::AttributeTrait< T > | Attribute trait (default use const reference for object type) |
 Urho3D::AttributeTrait< bool > | Bool attribute trait |
 Urho3D::AttributeTrait< float > | Float attribute trait |
 Urho3D::AttributeTrait< int > | Int attribute trait |
 Urho3D::AttributeTrait< unsigned > | Unsigned attribute trait |
 Urho3D::AutoProfileBlock | Helper class for automatically beginning and ending a profiling block |
 rapidjson::AutoUTF< CharType > | Dynamically select encoding according to stream's runtime-specified UTF encoding type |
 rapidjson::AutoUTFInputStream< CharType, InputByteStream > | Input stream wrapper with dynamically bound encoding and automatic encoding detection |
 rapidjson::AutoUTFOutputStream< CharType, OutputByteStream > | Output stream wrapper with dynamically bound encoding and automatic encoding detection |
 b2ContactListener | |
  Urho3D::PhysicsWorld2D | 2D physics simulation world component. Should be added only to the root scene node |
 b2Draw | |
  Urho3D::PhysicsWorld2D | 2D physics simulation world component. Should be added only to the root scene node |
 Urho3D::BackgroundLoadItem | Queue item for background loading of a resource |
 Urho3D::Batch | Queued 3D geometry draw call |
  Urho3D::BatchGroup | Instanced 3D geometry draw call |
 Urho3D::BatchGroupKey | Instanced draw call grouping key |
 Urho3D::BatchQueue | Queue that contains both instanced and non-instanced draw calls |
 Urho3D::BiasParameters | Shadow depth bias parameters |
 Urho3D::Billboard | One billboard in the billboard set |
 Urho3D::Bone | Bone in a skeleton |
 Urho3D::BoundingBox | Three-dimensional axis-aligned bounding box |
 btIDebugDraw | |
  Urho3D::PhysicsWorld | Physics simulation world component. Should be added only to the root scene node |
 btMotionState | |
  Urho3D::RigidBody | Physics rigid body component |
 Urho3D::CascadeParameters | Cascaded shadow map parameters |
 Urho3D::CharLocation | Cached character location and size within text. Used for queries related to text editing |
 rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator< BaseAllocator >::ChunkHeader | Chunk header for perpending to each chunk |
 Urho3D::CScriptDictionary::CIterator | STL style iterator for Script dictionary class |
 Urho3D::Color | RGBA color |
 Urho3D::ColorFrame | Color animation frame definition |
 Urho3D::CompressedLevel | Compressed image mip level |
 Urho3D::Condition | Condition on which a thread can wait |
 Urho3D::PhysicsWorld2D::ContactInfo | Contact info |
 Urho3D::Controls | Controls sent over the network |
 Urho3D::CScriptArray | Script array class |
 Urho3D::CScriptDictionary | Script dictionary class |
 Urho3D::CScriptDictValue | Script dictionary value |
 Urho3D::CursorShapeInfo | Cursor image and hotspot information |
 Urho3D::CustomGeometryVertex | Custom geometry vertex |
 rapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Data | |
 Urho3D::DebugLine | Debug rendering line |
 Urho3D::DebugTriangle | Debug render triangle |
 Urho3D::Decal | One decal in a decal set |
 Urho3D::DecalVertex | Decal vertex |
 Urho3D::DelayedCall | Delay-executed function or method call |
 Urho3D::DelayedWorldTransform | Delayed world transform assignment for parented rigidbodies |
 Urho3D::DepthValue | Occlusion hierarchy depth range |
 Urho3D::Deserializer | Abstract stream for reading |
  Urho3D::File | File opened either through the filesystem or from within a package file |
  Urho3D::HttpRequest | An HTTP connection with response data stream |
  Urho3D::MemoryBuffer | Memory area that can be read and written to as a stream |
  Urho3D::VectorBuffer | Dynamically sized buffer that can be read and written to as a stream |
 Urho3D::DirtyBits | Dirty attribute bits structure for network replication |
 Urho3D::UI::DragData | Data structure used to represent the drag data associated to a UIElement |
 rapidjson::EncodedInputStream< Encoding, InputByteStream > | Input byte stream wrapper with a statically bound encoding |
 rapidjson::EncodedOutputStream< Encoding, OutputByteStream > | Output byte stream wrapper with statically bound encoding |
 rapidjson::Encoding | Concept for encoding of Unicode characters |
  rapidjson::UTF16< CharType > | UTF-16 encoding |
   rapidjson::UTF16BE< CharType > | UTF-16 big endian encoding |
   rapidjson::UTF16LE< CharType > | UTF-16 little endian encoding |
  rapidjson::UTF32< CharType > | UTF-32 encoding |
   rapidjson::UTF32BE< CharType > | UTF-32 big endian encoding |
   rapidjson::UTF32LE< CharType > | UTF-32 little endian enocoding |
  rapidjson::UTF8< CharType > | UTF-8 encoding |
 Urho3D::FileSelectorEntry | File selector's list entry (file or directory.) |
 Urho3D::FocusParameters | Shadow map focusing parameters |
 Urho3D::FontGlyph | Font glyph description |
 Urho3D::FrameBufferObject | Cached state of a frame buffer object |
 Urho3D::FrameInfo | Rendering frame update parameters |
 Urho3D::Frustum | Convex constructed of 6 planes |
 rapidjson::GenericReader< SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, Allocator > | SAX-style JSON parser. Use Reader for UTF8 encoding and default allocator |
 rapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator > | Represents a JSON value. Use Value for UTF8 encoding and default allocator |
  rapidjson::GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator > | A document for parsing JSON text as DOM |
 rapidjson::GenericValue< rapidjson::Encoding, rapidjson::Allocator > | |
 Urho3D::GeometryDesc | Description of a geometry for asynchronous loading |
 Urho3D::GlyphLocation | Glyph and its location within the text. Used when preparing text rendering |
 Urho3D::GPUObject | Base class for GPU resources |
  Urho3D::ConstantBuffer | Hardware constant buffer |
  Urho3D::ConstantBuffer | Hardware constant buffer |
  Urho3D::IndexBuffer | Hardware index buffer |
  Urho3D::IndexBuffer | Hardware index buffer |
  Urho3D::ShaderProgram | Combined information for specific vertex and pixel shaders |
  Urho3D::ShaderVariation | Vertex or pixel shader on the GPU |
  Urho3D::ShaderVariation | Vertex or pixel shader on the GPU |
  Urho3D::Texture | Base class for texture resources |
   Urho3D::Texture2D | 2D texture resource |
   Urho3D::Texture2D | 2D texture resource |
   Urho3D::Texture3D | 3D texture resource |
   Urho3D::Texture3D | 3D texture resource |
   Urho3D::TextureCube | Cube texture resource |
   Urho3D::TextureCube | Cube texture resource |
  Urho3D::Texture | Base class for texture resources |
  Urho3D::VertexBuffer | Hardware vertex buffer |
  Urho3D::VertexBuffer | Hardware vertex buffer |
 Urho3D::GraphicsImpl | Graphics implementation. Holds API-specific objects |
 rapidjson::Handler | Concept for receiving events from GenericReader upon parsing |
  rapidjson::BaseReaderHandler< Encoding > | Default implementation of Handler |
  rapidjson::GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator > | A document for parsing JSON text as DOM |
  rapidjson::Writer< OutputStream, SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, Allocator > | JSON writer |
   rapidjson::PrettyWriter< OutputStream, SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, Allocator > | Writer with indentation and spacing |
 Urho3D::HashBase | Hash set/map base class |
  Urho3D::HashMap< asIObjectType *, bool > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< asIObjectType *, Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::String, asIScriptFunction * > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< asIScriptObject *, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::ScriptEventInvoker > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< const char *, asIObjectType * > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< const void *, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::LuaFunction > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< int, int > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< int, Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Light * > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< int, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::FontFace > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< int, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::PropertySet2D > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< int, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Sprite2D > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< int, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Texture2D > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< int, Urho3D::TouchState > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< int, Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Texture2D > > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< kNet::MessageConnection *, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Connection > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< long long, unsigned > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< long long, Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Texture > > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Pair< ShaderVariation *, ShaderVariation * >, SharedPtr< ShaderProgram > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< SDL_JoystickID, Urho3D::JoystickState > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< String, PListValue > | |
   Urho3D::PListValueMap | PList value map |
  Urho3D::HashMap< StringHash, Variant > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< TextureUnit, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Texture > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned long long, Urho3D::FrameBufferObject > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned long long, Urho3D::LightBatchQueue > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned long long, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::VertexDeclaration > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned short, unsigned short > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned, ID3D11BlendState * > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned, ID3D11DepthStencilState * > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned, ID3D11RasterizerState * > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned, short > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned, unsigned > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned, Urho3D::BatchQueue > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned, Urho3D::Component * > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned, Urho3D::ComponentReplicationState > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned, Urho3D::FontGlyph > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned, Urho3D::Node * > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned, Urho3D::NodeReplicationState > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned, Urho3D::PODVector< unsigned char > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::ConstantBuffer > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned, Urho3D::VertexBufferMorph > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned, Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Component > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< unsigned, Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Node > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::AttributeInfo *, unsigned > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::BatchGroupKey, Urho3D::BatchGroup > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::Camera *, Urho3D::Matrix3x4 > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::Camera *, Urho3D::ViewBatchInfo2D > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::Object *, Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::HashSet< Urho3D::Object * > > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::Pair< int, int >, Urho3D::NavBuildData * > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::Pair< Urho3D::Light *, Urho3D::Camera * >, Urho3D::Rect > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::Pair< Urho3D::Model *, unsigned >, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::CollisionGeometryData > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::Pair< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::StringHash >, Urho3D::BackgroundLoadItem > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::Pair< Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::RigidBody >, Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::RigidBody > >, btPersistentManifold * > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::RigidBody *, Urho3D::DelayedWorldTransform > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::String, asIScriptFunction * > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::String, TextureUnit > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::String, unsigned > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::String, Urho3D::CScriptDictValue > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::String, Urho3D::CursorShapeInfo > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::String, Urho3D::PackageEntry > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::String, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::AttributeAnimationInfo > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::String, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::LuaFunction > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::String, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Sprite2D > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::String, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::ValueAnimationInfo > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::String, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::XMLFile > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::String, Urho3D::String > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::String, Urho3D::Timer > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::String, Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::StringHash > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::HashSet< Urho3D::Object * > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::HashSet< Urho3D::StringHash > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::MaterialShaderParameter > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::PackageDownload > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::PackageUpload > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::ResourceGroup > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::ShaderParameter > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Object > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::ObjectFactory > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Resource > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::ShaderParameterAnimationInfo > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::ShaderVariation > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Sprite2D > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::String > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::Texture * > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::Variant > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::AttributeInfo > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::Texture2D *, Urho3D::HashMap< int, Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Material > > > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::UIElement >, bool > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::UIElement >, int > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::UIElement >, Urho3D::UI::DragData * > | |
  Urho3D::HashSet< const Urho3D::AttributeInfo * > | |
  Urho3D::HashSet< int > | |
  Urho3D::HashSet< unsigned > | |
  Urho3D::HashSet< Urho3D::Drawable * > | |
  Urho3D::HashSet< Urho3D::Octree * > | |
  Urho3D::HashSet< Urho3D::Pair< Urho3D::ShaderVariation *, Urho3D::ShaderVariation * > > | |
  Urho3D::HashSet< Urho3D::Pair< Urho3D::StringHash, Urho3D::StringHash > > | |
  Urho3D::HashSet< Urho3D::Scene * > | |
  Urho3D::HashSet< Urho3D::String > | |
  Urho3D::HashSet< Urho3D::StringHash > | |
  Urho3D::HashSet< Urho3D::Technique * > | |
  Urho3D::HashMap< T, U > | Hash map template class |
  Urho3D::HashSet< T > | Hash set template class |
 Urho3D::HashIteratorBase | Hash set/map iterator base class |
  Urho3D::HashMap< T, U >::ConstIterator | Hash map node const iterator |
  Urho3D::HashMap< T, U >::Iterator | Hash map node iterator |
  Urho3D::HashSet< T >::ConstIterator | Hash set node const iterator |
  Urho3D::HashSet< T >::Iterator | Hash set node iterator |
 Urho3D::HashNodeBase | Hash set/map node base class |
  Urho3D::HashMap< T, U >::Node | Hash map node |
  Urho3D::HashSet< T >::Node | Hash set node |
 Urho3D::HiresTimer | High-resolution operating system timer used in profiling |
 rapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Number::I | |
 IMessageHandler | |
  Urho3D::Network | Network subsystem. Manages client-server communications using the UDP protocol |
 Urho3D::IndexBufferDesc | Description of index buffer data for asynchronous loading |
 INetworkServerListener | |
  Urho3D::Network | Network subsystem. Manages client-server communications using the UDP protocol |
 Urho3D::InstanceData | Data for one geometry instance |
 Urho3D::IntRect | Two-dimensional bounding rectangle with integer values |
 Urho3D::IntVector2 | Two-dimensional vector with integer values |
 Urho3D::JoystickState | Input state for a joystick |
 Urho3D::JSONValue | JSON value class |
 Urho3D::HashMap< T, U >::KeyValue | Hash map key-value pair with const key |
 rapidjson::Writer< OutputStream, SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, Allocator >::Level | Information for each nested level |
 Urho3D::LightBatchQueue | Queue for light related draw calls |
 Urho3D::LightQueryResult | Intermediate light processing result |
 Urho3D::LinkedList< T > | Singly-linked list template class. Elements must inherit from LinkedListNode |
 Urho3D::LinkedList< Urho3D::EventHandler > | |
 Urho3D::LinkedListNode | Singly-linked list node base class |
  Urho3D::EventHandler | Internal helper class for invoking event handler functions |
   Urho3D::EventHandlerImpl< T > | Template implementation of the event handler invoke helper (stores a function pointer of specific class.) |
 Urho3D::ListBase | Doubly-linked list base class |
  Urho3D::List< AsyncExecRequest * > | |
  Urho3D::List< int > | |
  Urho3D::List< Urho3D::Decal > | |
  Urho3D::List< Urho3D::Pair< Urho3D::SharedArrayPtr< signed char >, unsigned > > | |
  Urho3D::List< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::WorkItem > > | |
  Urho3D::List< Urho3D::StoredLogMessage > | |
  Urho3D::List< Urho3D::WorkItem * > | |
  Urho3D::List< T > | Doubly-linked list template class |
 Urho3D::ListIteratorBase | Doubly-linked list iterator base class |
  Urho3D::List< T >::ConstIterator | List const iterator |
  Urho3D::List< T >::Iterator | List iterator |
 Urho3D::ListNodeBase | Doubly-linked list node base class |
  Urho3D::List< T >::Node | List node |
 Urho3D::LuaScriptEventListener | Lua script event listener |
  Urho3D::LuaScript | Lua script subsystem |
  Urho3D::LuaScriptInstance | Lua script object component |
 Urho3D::MaterialShaderParameter | Material's shader parameter definition |
 Urho3D::Matrix3 | 3x3 matrix for rotation and scaling |
 Urho3D::Matrix3x4 | 3x4 matrix for scene node transform calculations |
 Urho3D::Matrix4 | 4x4 matrix for arbitrary linear transforms including projection |
 rapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Member | Name-value pair in an object |
 Urho3D::MixedAttributeTrait< T > | Mixed attribute trait (use const reference for set function only) |
 Urho3D::ModelMorph | Definition of a model's vertex morph |
 Urho3D::Mutex | Operating system mutual exclusion primitive |
 Urho3D::MutexLock | Lock that automatically acquires and releases a mutex |
 Urho3D::NavAreaStub | Navigation area stub |
 Urho3D::NavBuildData | Navigation build data |
  Urho3D::DynamicNavBuildData | |
  Urho3D::SimpleNavBuildData | |
 Urho3D::NavigationGeometryInfo | Description of a navigation mesh geometry component, with transform and bounds information |
 Urho3D::NetworkState | Per-object attribute state for network replication, allocated on demand |
 rapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Number | |
 rapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Object | |
 Urho3D::Octant | Octree octant |
  Urho3D::Octree | Octree component. Should be added only to the root scene node |
 Urho3D::OctreeQuery | Base class for octree queries |
  Urho3D::BoxOctreeQuery | Bounding box octree query |
  Urho3D::FrustumOctreeQuery | Frustum octree query |
  Urho3D::PointOctreeQuery | Point octree query |
  Urho3D::SphereOctreeQuery | Sphere octree query |
 Urho3D::OctreeQueryResult | General octree query result. Used for Lua bindings only |
 Urho3D::PackageDownload | Package file receive transfer |
 Urho3D::PackageEntry | File entry within the package file |
 Urho3D::PackageUpload | Package file send transfer |
 Urho3D::Pair< T, U > | Pair template class |
 Urho3D::Particle | One particle in the particle system |
 Urho3D::Particle2D | 2D particle |
 Urho3D::PerThreadSceneResult | Per-thread geometry, light and scene range collection structure |
 Urho3D::PhysicsRaycastResult | Physics raycast hit |
 Urho3D::PhysicsRaycastResult2D | 2D Physics raycast hit |
 Urho3D::Plane | Surface in three-dimensional space |
 Urho3D::PListValue | PList value |
 Urho3D::Polyhedron | A convex volume built from polygon faces |
 Urho3D::ProfilerBlock | Profiling data for one block in the profiling tree |
 Urho3D::Quaternion | Rotation represented as a four-dimensional normalized vector |
 Urho3D::RandomAccessConstIterator< T > | Random access const iterator |
 Urho3D::RandomAccessIterator< T > | Random access iterator |
 Urho3D::Ray | Infinite straight line in three-dimensional space |
 Urho3D::RayOctreeQuery | Raycast octree query |
 Urho3D::RayQueryResult | Raycast result |
 Urho3D::Rect | Two-dimensional bounding rectangle |
 Urho3D::RefCount | Reference count structure |
 Urho3D::RefCounted | Base class for intrusively reference-counted objects. These are noncopyable and non-assignable |
  Urho3D::Animation2D | 2D Animation |
  Urho3D::AnimationState | Animation instance |
  Urho3D::AttributeAccessor | Abstract base class for invoking attribute accessors |
   Urho3D::AttributeAccessorImpl< T, U, Trait > | Template implementation of the attribute accessor invoke helper class |
   Urho3D::EnumAttributeAccessorImpl< T, U > | Template implementation of the enum attribute accessor invoke helper class |
  Urho3D::BackgroundLoader | Background loader of resources. Owned by the ResourceCache |
  Urho3D::CollisionGeometryData | Base class for collision shape geometry data |
   Urho3D::ConvexData | Convex hull geometry data |
   Urho3D::HeightfieldData | Heightfield geometry data |
   Urho3D::TriangleMeshData | Triangle mesh geometry data |
  Urho3D::Context | Urho3D execution context. Provides access to subsystems, object factories and attributes, and event receivers |
  Urho3D::FontFace | Font face description |
   Urho3D::FontFaceBitmap | Bitmap font face description |
   Urho3D::FontFaceFreeType | Free type font face description |
  Urho3D::HttpRequest | An HTTP connection with response data stream |
  Urho3D::LuaFunction | Lua function |
  Urho3D::Object | Base class for objects with type identification, subsystem access and event sending/receiving capability |
   Urho3D::Application | Base class for creating applications which initialize the Urho3D engine and run a main loop until exited |
   Urho3D::Audio | Audio subsystem |
   Urho3D::Connection | Connection to a remote network host |
   Urho3D::Console | Console window with log history and command line prompt |
   Urho3D::ConstantBuffer | Hardware constant buffer |
   Urho3D::ConstantBuffer | Hardware constant buffer |
   Urho3D::DebugHud | Displays rendering stats and profiling information |
   Urho3D::Engine | Urho3D engine. Creates the other subsystems |
   Urho3D::File | File opened either through the filesystem or from within a package file |
   Urho3D::FileSelector | File selector dialog |
   Urho3D::FileSystem | Subsystem for file and directory operations and access control |
   Urho3D::FileWatcher | Watches a directory and its subdirectories for files being modified |
   Urho3D::Geometry | Defines one or more vertex buffers, an index buffer and a draw range |
   Urho3D::Graphics | Graphics subsystem. Manages the application window, rendering state and GPU resources |
   Urho3D::Graphics | Graphics subsystem. Manages the application window, rendering state and GPU resources |
   Urho3D::IndexBuffer | Hardware index buffer |
   Urho3D::IndexBuffer | Hardware index buffer |
   Urho3D::Input | Input subsystem. Converts operating system window messages to input state and events |
   Urho3D::Log | Logging subsystem |
   Urho3D::LuaScript | Lua script subsystem |
   Urho3D::LuaScriptEventInvoker | Lua script event invoker |
   Urho3D::MessageBox | Message box dialog |
   Urho3D::Network | Network subsystem. Manages client-server communications using the UDP protocol |
   Urho3D::OcclusionBuffer | Software renderer for occlusion |
   Urho3D::PackageFile | Stores files of a directory tree sequentially for convenient access |
   Urho3D::Profiler | Hierarchical performance profiler subsystem |
   Urho3D::Renderer | High-level rendering subsystem. Manages drawing of 3D views |
   Urho3D::Resource | Base class for resources |
    Urho3D::Animation | Skeletal animation resource |
    Urho3D::AnimationSet2D | Spriter animation set, it includes one or more animations, for more information please refer to http://www.brashmonkey.com/spriter.htm |
    Urho3D::Font | Font resource |
    Urho3D::Image | Image resource |
    Urho3D::JSONFile | JSON document resource |
    Urho3D::LuaFile | Lua file |
    Urho3D::Material | Describes how to render 3D geometries |
    Urho3D::Model | 3D model resource |
    Urho3D::ObjectAnimation | Object animation class, an object animation include one or more attribute animations and theirs wrap mode and speed for an Animatable object |
    Urho3D::ParticleEffect | Particle effect definition |
    Urho3D::ParticleEffect2D | 2D particle effect resource |
    Urho3D::PListFile | Property list (plist) |
    Urho3D::ScriptFile | Script file resource |
    Urho3D::Shader | Shader resource consisting of several shader variations |
    Urho3D::Sound | Sound resource |
    Urho3D::Sprite2D | Sprite |
    Urho3D::SpriteSheet2D | Sprite sheet |
    Urho3D::Technique | Material technique. Consists of several passes |
    Urho3D::Texture | Base class for texture resources |
    Urho3D::Texture | Base class for texture resources |
    Urho3D::TmxFile2D | Tile map file |
    Urho3D::ValueAnimation | Value animation class |
    Urho3D::XMLFile | XML document resource |
   Urho3D::ResourceCache | Resource cache subsystem. Loads resources on demand and stores them for later access |
   Urho3D::ResourceRouter | Optional resource request processor. Can deny requests, re-route resource file names, or perform other processing per request |
   Urho3D::Script | Scripting subsystem. Allows execution of AngelScript |
   Urho3D::ScriptEventInvoker | Helper class for forwarding events to script objects that are not part of a scene |
   Urho3D::Serializable | Base class for objects with automatic serialization through attributes |
    Urho3D::Animatable | Base class for animatable object, an animatable object can be set animation on it's attributes, or can be set an object animation to it |
     Urho3D::Component | Base class for components. Components can be created to scene nodes |
      Urho3D::AnimationController | Component that drives an AnimatedModel's animations |
      Urho3D::Camera | Camera component |
      Urho3D::CollisionShape | Physics collision shape component |
      Urho3D::CollisionShape2D | 2D collision shape component |
       Urho3D::CollisionBox2D | 2D box collision component |
       Urho3D::CollisionChain2D | 2D chain collision component |
       Urho3D::CollisionCircle2D | 2D circle collision component |
       Urho3D::CollisionEdge2D | 2D edge collision component |
       Urho3D::CollisionPolygon2D | 2D polygon collision component |
      Urho3D::Constraint | Physics constraint component. Connects two rigid bodies together, or one rigid body to a static point |
      Urho3D::Constraint2D | 2D physics constraint component |
       Urho3D::ConstraintDistance2D | 2D distance constraint component |
       Urho3D::ConstraintFriction2D | 2D friction constraint component |
       Urho3D::ConstraintGear2D | 2D gear constraint component |
       Urho3D::ConstraintMotor2D | 2D motor constraint component |
       Urho3D::ConstraintMouse2D | 2D mouse constraint component |
       Urho3D::ConstraintPrismatic2D | 2D prismatic constraint component |
       Urho3D::ConstraintPulley2D | 2D pulley constraint component |
       Urho3D::ConstraintRevolute2D | 2D revolute constraint component |
       Urho3D::ConstraintRope2D | 2D rope constraint component |
       Urho3D::ConstraintWeld2D | 2D weld constraint component |
       Urho3D::ConstraintWheel2D | 2D wheel constraint component |
      Urho3D::CrowdAgent | DetourCrowd Agent, requires a DetourCrowdManager in the scene. Agent's radius and height is set through the navigation mesh |
      Urho3D::DebugRenderer | Debug geometry rendering component. Should be added only to the root scene node |
      Urho3D::DetourCrowdManager | Detour Crowd Simulation Scene Component. Should be added only to the root scene node. Agent's radius and height is set through the navigation mesh |
      Urho3D::Drawable | Base class for visible components |
       Urho3D::BillboardSet | Billboard component |
        Urho3D::ParticleEmitter | Particle emitter component |
       Urho3D::CustomGeometry | Custom geometry component |
       Urho3D::DecalSet | Decal renderer component |
       Urho3D::Drawable2D | Base class for 2D visible components |
        Urho3D::ParticleEmitter2D | 2D particle emitter component |
        Urho3D::StaticSprite2D | Static sprite component |
         Urho3D::AnimatedSprite2D | Animated sprite component, it uses to play animation created by Spriter (http://www.brashmonkey.com/) |
       Urho3D::Light | Light component |
       Urho3D::Renderer2D | 2D renderer components |
       Urho3D::StaticModel | Static model component |
        Urho3D::AnimatedModel | Animated model component |
        Urho3D::Skybox | Static model component with fixed position in relation to the camera |
        Urho3D::StaticModelGroup | Renders several object instances while culling and receiving light as one unit. Can be used as a CPU-side optimization, but note that also regular StaticModels will use instanced rendering if possible |
       Urho3D::TerrainPatch | Individually rendered part of a heightmap terrain |
       Urho3D::Text3D | 3D text component |
       Urho3D::Zone | Component that describes global rendering properties |
      Urho3D::LogicComponent | Helper base class for user-defined game logic components that hooks up to update events and forwards them to virtual functions similar to ScriptInstance class |
      Urho3D::LuaScriptInstance | Lua script object component |
      Urho3D::NavArea | |
      Urho3D::Navigable | Component which tags geometry for inclusion in the navigation mesh. Optionally auto-includes geometry from child nodes |
      Urho3D::NavigationMesh | Navigation mesh component. Collects the navigation geometry from child nodes with the Navigable component and responds to path queries |
       Urho3D::DynamicNavigationMesh | |
      Urho3D::NetworkPriority | Network interest management settings component |
      Urho3D::Obstacle | Obstacle for dynamic navigation mesh |
      Urho3D::Octree | Octree component. Should be added only to the root scene node |
      Urho3D::OffMeshConnection | A link between otherwise unconnected regions of the navigation mesh |
      Urho3D::PhysicsWorld | Physics simulation world component. Should be added only to the root scene node |
      Urho3D::PhysicsWorld2D | 2D physics simulation world component. Should be added only to the root scene node |
      Urho3D::RigidBody | Physics rigid body component |
      Urho3D::RigidBody2D | 2D rigid body component |
      Urho3D::ScriptInstance | Script object component |
      Urho3D::SmoothedTransform | Transform smoothing component for network updates |
      Urho3D::SoundListener | Sound listener component |
      Urho3D::SoundSource | Sound source component with stereo position |
       Urho3D::SoundSource3D | Sound source component with three-dimensional position |
      Urho3D::SplinePath | Spline for creating smooth movement based on Speed along a set of Control Points modified by the Interpolation Mode |
      Urho3D::Terrain | Heightmap terrain component |
      Urho3D::TileMap2D | Tile map component |
      Urho3D::TileMapLayer2D | Tile map component |
      Urho3D::UnknownComponent | Placeholder for allowing unregistered components to be loaded & saved along with scenes |
     Urho3D::Node | Scene node that may contain components and child nodes |
      Urho3D::Scene | Root scene node, represents the whole scene |
     Urho3D::UIElement | Base class for UI elements |
      Urho3D::BorderImage | Image UI element with optional border |
       Urho3D::Button | Pushbutton UI element |
        Urho3D::Menu | Menu UI element that optionally shows a popup |
         Urho3D::DropDownList | Menu UI element that displays a popup list view |
       Urho3D::CheckBox | UI element that can be toggled between unchecked and checked state |
       Urho3D::Cursor | Mouse cursor UI element |
       Urho3D::LineEdit | Single-line text editor UI element |
       Urho3D::Slider | Slider bar UI element |
       Urho3D::Window | Window UI element that can optionally by moved or resized |
        Urho3D::View3D | UI element which renders a 3D scene |
      Urho3D::ScrollBar | Scroll bar UI element with forward and back buttons |
      Urho3D::ScrollView | Scrollable UI element for showing a (possibly large) child element |
       Urho3D::ListView | Scrollable list UI element |
      Urho3D::Sprite | UI element which allows sub-pixel positioning and size, as well as rotation. Only other Sprites should be added as child elements |
      Urho3D::Text | Text UI element |
      Urho3D::ToolTip | Tooltip UI element |
   Urho3D::ShaderPrecache | Utility class for collecting used shader combinations during runtime for precaching |
   Urho3D::Time | Time and frame counter subsystem |
   Urho3D::UI | UI subsystem. Manages the graphical user interface |
   Urho3D::VertexBuffer | Hardware vertex buffer |
   Urho3D::VertexBuffer | Hardware vertex buffer |
   Urho3D::View | Internal structure for 3D rendering work. Created for each backbuffer and texture viewport, but not for shadow cameras |
   Urho3D::Viewport | Viewport definition either for a render surface or the backbuffer |
   Urho3D::WorkQueue | Work queue subsystem for multithreading |
  Urho3D::ObjectFactory | Base class for object factories |
   Urho3D::ObjectFactoryImpl< T > | Template implementation of the object factory |
  Urho3D::Pass | Material rendering pass, which defines shaders and render state |
  Urho3D::PropertySet2D | Property set |
  Urho3D::RenderPath | Rendering path definition |
  Urho3D::RenderSurface | Color or depth-stencil surface that can be rendered into |
  Urho3D::RenderSurface | Color or depth-stencil surface that can be rendered into |
  Urho3D::ShaderProgram | Combined information for specific vertex and pixel shaders |
  Urho3D::ShaderProgram | Combined information for specific vertex and pixel shaders |
  Urho3D::ShaderVariation | Vertex or pixel shader on the GPU |
  Urho3D::ShaderVariation | Vertex or pixel shader on the GPU |
  Urho3D::SoundStream | Base class for sound streams |
   Urho3D::BufferedSoundStream | Sound stream that supports manual buffering of data from the main thread |
   Urho3D::OggVorbisSoundStream | Ogg Vorbis sound stream |
  Urho3D::Tile2D | Tile define |
  Urho3D::TileMapObject2D | Tile map object |
  Urho3D::TmxLayer2D | Tmx layer |
   Urho3D::TmxImageLayer2D | Tmx image layer |
   Urho3D::TmxObjectGroup2D | Tmx image layer |
   Urho3D::TmxTileLayer2D | Tmx tile layer |
  Urho3D::ValueAnimationInfo | Base class for a value animation instance, which includes animation runtime information and updates the target object's value automatically |
   Urho3D::AttributeAnimationInfo | Attribute animation instance |
   Urho3D::ShaderParameterAnimationInfo | Material's shader parameter animation instance |
  Urho3D::VertexDeclaration | Vertex declaration |
  Urho3D::WorkItem | Work queue item |
 Urho3D::RemoteEvent | Queued remote event |
 Urho3D::RenderPathCommand | Rendering path command |
 Urho3D::RenderTargetInfo | Rendertarget definition |
 Urho3D::ReplicationState | Base class for per-user network replication states |
  Urho3D::ComponentReplicationState | Per-user component network replication state |
  Urho3D::NodeReplicationState | Per-user node network replication state |
  Urho3D::SceneReplicationState | Per-user scene network replication state |
 Urho3D::ResourceGroup | Container of resources with specific type |
 Urho3D::ResourceRef | Typed resource reference |
 Urho3D::ResourceRefList | List of typed resource references |
 Urho3D::RWOpsWrapper< T > | Template wrapper class for using Serializer / Deserializer or their subclasses through SDL's RWOps structure |
 Urho3D::ScenePassInfo | Scene render pass info |
 Urho3D::SceneResolver | Utility class that resolves node & component IDs after a scene or partial scene load |
 Urho3D::ScratchBuffer | CPU-side scratch buffer for vertex data updates |
 Urho3D::ScriptEventListener | Interface class for allowing script objects or functions to subscribe to events |
  Urho3D::ScriptFile | Script file resource |
  Urho3D::ScriptInstance | Script object component |
 Urho3D::Serializer | Abstract stream for writing |
  Urho3D::File | File opened either through the filesystem or from within a package file |
  Urho3D::MemoryBuffer | Memory area that can be read and written to as a stream |
  Urho3D::VectorBuffer | Dynamically sized buffer that can be read and written to as a stream |
 Urho3D::ShaderParameter | Shader parameter definition |
 Urho3D::ShadowBatchQueue | Queue for shadow map draw calls |
 Urho3D::SharedArrayPtr< T > | Shared array pointer template class. Uses non-intrusive reference counting |
 Urho3D::SharedArrayPtr< char > | |
 Urho3D::SharedArrayPtr< float > | |
 Urho3D::SharedArrayPtr< int > | |
 Urho3D::SharedArrayPtr< signed char > | |
 Urho3D::SharedArrayPtr< unsigned > | |
 Urho3D::SharedArrayPtr< unsigned char > | |
 Urho3D::SharedArrayPtr< Urho3D::Vector3 > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< T > | Shared pointer template class with intrusive reference counting |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< FreeTypeLibrary > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Animation > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Animation2D > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::AnimationSet2D > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::AttributeAccessor > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::BackgroundLoader > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::BorderImage > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Button > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::CollisionGeometryData > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Connection > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::ConstantBuffer > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Cursor > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Engine > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::File > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::FileSystem > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Font > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Geometry > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Image > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::IndexBuffer > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::ListView > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::LuaFile > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::LuaScriptEventInvoker > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Material > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Model > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Node > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::ObjectAnimation > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::ParticleEffect > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::ParticleEffect2D > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::PListFile > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::PropertySet2D > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::RenderPath > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::RenderSurface > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Resource > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::ResourceRouter > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::RigidBody2D > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Scene > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Script > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::ScrollBar > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::ShaderPrecache > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Slider > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Sound > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::SoundStream > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Sprite2D > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Technique > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Text > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Texture > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Texture2D > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::TextureCube > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::TmxFile2D > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::UIElement > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::ValueAnimation > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::VertexBuffer > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::View > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Viewport > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Window > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::XMLFile > | |
 Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Zone > | |
 Urho3D::Skeleton | Hierarchical collection of bones |
 Urho3D::SourceBatch | Source data for a 3D geometry draw call |
 Urho3D::SourceBatch2D | 2D source batch |
 Urho3D::Sphere | Sphere in three-dimensional space |
 Urho3D::Spline | Spline class to get a point on it based off the interpolation mode |
 rapidjson::internal::Stack< Allocator > | A type-unsafe stack for storing different types of data |
 rapidjson::internal::Stack< rapidjson::Allocator > | |
 rapidjson::GenericReader< SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, Allocator >::StackStream | |
 rapidjson::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE< x > | |
 rapidjson::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE< true > | |
 rapidjson::StaticAssertTest< x > | |
 Urho3D::StaticModelGeometryData | Static model per-geometry extra data |
 Urho3D::StoredLogMessage | Stored log message from another thread |
 rapidjson::Stream | Concept for reading and writing characters |
  rapidjson::FileReadStream | File byte stream for input using fread() |
  rapidjson::FileStream | (Depreciated) Wrapper of C file stream for input or output |
  rapidjson::FileWriteStream | Wrapper of C file stream for input using fread() |
  rapidjson::GenericInsituStringStream< Encoding > | A read-write string stream |
  rapidjson::GenericStringBuffer< Encoding, Allocator > | Represents an in-memory output stream |
  rapidjson::GenericStringStream< Encoding > | Read-only string stream |
 Urho3D::String | String class |
 rapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::String | |
 Urho3D::StringHash | 32-bit hash value for a string |
 Urho3D::TechniqueEntry | Material's technique list entry |
 Urho3D::TextureFrame | Texture animation frame definition |
 Urho3D::Thread | Operating system thread |
  Urho3D::BackgroundLoader | Background loader of resources. Owned by the ResourceCache |
  Urho3D::FileWatcher | Watches a directory and its subdirectories for files being modified |
  Urho3D::HttpRequest | An HTTP connection with response data stream |
 Urho3D::TileMapInfo2D | Tile map infomation |
 Urho3D::Timer | Low-resolution operating system timer |
 Urho3D::TouchState | Input state for a finger touch |
 Urho3D::AnimatedSprite2D::TrackNodeInfo | Track node info |
 rapidjson::Transcoder< SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding > | Encoding conversion |
 rapidjson::Transcoder< Encoding, Encoding > | Specialization of Transcoder with same source and target encoding |
 Urho3D::Transform2D | 2D Transform class for spriter animation |
 rapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Number::U | |
 Urho3D::UIBatch | UI rendering draw call |
 Urho3D::VAnimEventFrame | Value animation event frame |
 Urho3D::VAnimKeyFrame | Value animation key frame |
 Urho3D::Variant | Variable that supports a fixed set of types |
 Urho3D::VariantValue | Union for the possible variant values. Also stores non-POD objects such as String which must not exceed 16 bytes in size |
 Urho3D::Vector2 | Two-dimensional vector |
 Urho3D::Vector3 | Three-dimensional vector |
 Urho3D::Vector4 | Four-dimensional vector |
 Urho3D::VectorBase | Vector base class |
  Urho3D::PODVector< bool > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< const Urho3D::SourceBatch2D * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< dtCrowdAgent * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< float > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< int > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< PrimitiveType > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< SpriterReference2D > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< unsigned > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< unsigned char > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< unsigned short > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Batch * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Batch > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::BatchGroup * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Billboard > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Camera * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::CharLocation > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::CollisionShape * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Component * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::ConstantBuffer * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Constraint * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::CrowdAgent * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::DebugLine > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::DebugTriangle > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::DecalVertex > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Drawable * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Drawable2D * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::GPUObject * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::HashMap * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::InstanceData > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::IntRect > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Light * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Matrix3x4 > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::NavAreaStub > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Node * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Object * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Pair< unsigned, unsigned > > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Particle > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::PhysicsRaycastResult2D > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::ProfilerBlock * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::RayQueryResult > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::ReplicationState * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::RigidBody * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::RigidBody2D * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::SoundSource * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::StaticModelGeometryData > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::UIBatch > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::UIElement * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Vector2 > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Vector3 > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Zone * > | |
  Urho3D::PODVector< T > | Vector template class for POD types. Does not call constructors or destructors and uses block move |
  Urho3D::Vector< T > | Vector template class |
  Urho3D::Vector< asIScriptContext * > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< SpriterTimelineKey2D > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::AnimatedSprite2D::TrackNodeInfo > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::AnimationControl > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::AnimationKeyFrame > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::AnimationKeyFrame2D > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::AnimationStateTrack > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::AnimationTrack > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::AnimationTrack2D > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::AnimationTriggerPoint > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::AttributeInfo > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::Billboard * > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::Bone > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::ColorFrame > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::DelayedCall > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::FileSelectorEntry > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::IndexBufferDesc > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::LightBatchQueue > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::LightQueryResult > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::ModelMorph > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::Pair< int, Urho3D::String > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::Pair< Urho3D::String, CubeMapFace > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::Pair< Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::RenderSurface >, Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Viewport > > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::Particle2D > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::PerThreadSceneResult > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::PhysicsWorld2D::ContactInfo > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::PODVector< unsigned > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::CustomGeometryVertex > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Drawable * > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::GeometryDesc > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::GlyphLocation > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Matrix3x4 * > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Matrix3x4 > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::RayQueryResult > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::PODVector< Urho3D::Vector3 > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::RemoteEvent > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::RenderPathCommand > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::RenderTargetInfo > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::ScenePassInfo > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::ScratchBuffer > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::ShadowBatchQueue > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedArrayPtr< unsigned char > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedArrayPtr< Urho3D::DepthValue > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Animation2D > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::AnimationState > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Component > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::FileWatcher > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Geometry > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Image > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::IndexBuffer > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Material > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Node > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::OcclusionBuffer > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::PackageFile > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Pass > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::ShaderVariation > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Texture2D > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Tile2D > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::TileMapObject2D > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::UIElement > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::VertexBuffer > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Viewport > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< WorkerThread > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SourceBatch > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SourceBatch2D > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::String > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::TechniqueEntry > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::TextureFrame > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::TmxLayer2D * > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::UIElement * > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::VAnimEventFrame > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::VAnimKeyFrame > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::Variant > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::Vector2 > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::SharedPtr< Urho3D::Geometry > > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::Vertex2D > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::VertexBufferDesc > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::CollisionShape2D > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Component > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Constraint2D > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Node > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::RigidBody2D > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::TerrainPatch > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::TileMapLayer2D > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::View > > | |
  Urho3D::Vector< Variant > | |
 Urho3D::Vertex2D | 2D vertex |
 Urho3D::VertexBufferDesc | Description of vertex buffer data for asynchronous loading |
 Urho3D::VertexBufferMorph | Vertex buffer morph data |
 Urho3D::ViewBatchInfo2D | 2D view batch info |
 Urho3D::WeakArrayPtr< T > | Weak array pointer template class. Uses non-intrusive reference counting |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< T > | Weak pointer template class with intrusive reference counting. Does not keep the object pointed to alive |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::AnimatedModel > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::AnimationSet2D > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Audio > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Camera > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Component > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Constraint2D > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::DetourCrowdManager > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::DynamicNavigationMesh > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::FontFace > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Graphics > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::JSONFile > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::LuaScriptInstance > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::NavigationMesh > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Node > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Object > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::PhysicsWorld > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::PhysicsWorld2D > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Renderer > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Renderer2D > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::RenderSurface > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::RigidBody > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::RigidBody2D > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Scene > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::ScriptFile > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Shader > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::ShaderVariation > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::SoundListener > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::SpriteSheet2D > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Terrain > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::TerrainPatch > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::TileMap2D > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::TmxFile2D > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::UIElement > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::XMLFile > | |
 Urho3D::WeakPtr< Urho3D::Zone > | |
 Urho3D::WString | Wide character string. Only meant for converting from String and passing to the operating system where necessary |
 Urho3D::XMLElement | Element in an XML file |
 Urho3D::XPathQuery | XPath query |
 Urho3D::XPathResultSet | XPath query result set |